Thursday, June 28, 2012

Born on the 1st and 4th of July

Being a dual citizen of two great countries, I get to celebrate Canada Day and Independence Day!  And how convenient that they are so close in terms of dates? July 1 and July 4, pretty awesome. Throw in my birthday on June 29th, and I have a week long celebration...just the way I like it:)  I wanted to make a set for this holiday, and in order to keep it neutral so people from both sides of the border can use, I stayed away from national colours, lol.   Instead, yellow and purple fireworks:)
Posting it early so you'll have it before hand to set up the screen shots!!  Of course you can use it anytime as well:):)
Have a safe and fun holiday, no matter which one you'll be celebrating!   As always, Enjoy





Fireworks Battex

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The sun sets over the world

Sunsets are some of the most beautiful wonders of nature...Watching a sun set is romantic, breathtaking, and you hope that it can last forever.  Sunsets are free to view all around the world, for anyone to enjoy their beauty.  Thinking of sunsets,  I came up with this set called Skyline.  Shades of sky and the colors of the sun....As always, Enjoy





BB Skyline Battex

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Lots of color lately, so I figured it was time for a white set.  Not many of those around, and sometimes you need one to go with those black and white walls, or even if you just want a clean look for your weather.
So, here is Pure.  As always, Enjoy.





Pure Sun Battex

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A change of pace

I have a couple more sets to share.  I made these awhile ago for drkapprentice, and he said I could post them for everyone!  They are not cute lol, but I think they look cool.  I like to make all types of sets so everyone can find something that suits their taste. As always, Enjoy

Blue Glow

Blue Glow



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A bushel of apples

Berries or apples, I love all kinds of fruit! LOL.  Here are 5 recent sets made by me that I have converted for iPhone.
I do this because I enjoy it and like to share my work for others to enjoy.  Please do not re post, remake, sell or claim as your own.  I don't want this to stop being fun for everyone:)
Having said that, as always Enjoy.

Mellow Yellow iPhone

Doodle iPhone

Under the Boardwalk

Water Color Pastel

Dotted Pink iPhone

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pretty in Pastel

This set seems to be a fan favorite, and by request (Thx, Wendy) I made a pastel color version.  Should go with most any wall!  Matching battex as well:)  As always Enjoy.

Water Color Pastel

Water Color Pastel



Water Color Battery Pastel

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sand in your toes

Happy Father's Day!
Still in the summer beach mood, and was thinking of what else I could come up with.  The other day I heard the song Under the Boardwalk on the radio (which I love) and came up with these sets. The first one is called Aviation - a classic looking set, but I think the sun is gorgeous! Thanks to BT for sending me some of the icons, and the rest I put together.
The next two are more beach fun types, reminding me of the sea and sand..included a couple of battex also that don't exactly match, but go well with the theme of the sets.  When I get some time, I'll convert these and some others to iPhone.  As always, Enjoy



Under the Boardwalk

Under the Boardwalk



Boardwalk Bucket

Down by the Sea

Down by the Sea



Sea Hat

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer lovin', had me a blast...

It's summer time!   Time for the pool, beach, margaritas.... Time to make summer lovin' memories and have a blast!  Me? I so want to be on the beach somewhere.  Anywhere.  I don't care.  Ok, Hawaii would be nice. Or the Bahamas.   I want to see and hear the ocean everywhere around me. Since that's not actually going to happen right now,  I made two new sets: Island and Oceana.  If I can't be on an island listening to the sound of the ocean, I can at least have it on my phone, lol.  Matching battex and a few walls also:)   iPhone versions posted:)
As always, Enjoy.


Island iPhone


Island Battex


Oceana iPhone


Oceana Battex

Saturday, June 9, 2012

An apple a day

I've been asked to convert some sets to iPhone, and with the help of Susan (@swdoro of iPDASH) I managed to do it! Susan was very patient and I can't thank her enough.  You rock, girl!
Just two for now, but I will work on getting some others done soon.  If you have any requests as to which ones you'd like to see, let me know!   And though I do this because I enjoy it and love to share my work, I'm shamelessly going to suggest that donations are always welcome:)    As always, Enjoy!

Rainbow World


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's a colourful life

Anniversary Day!  Today marks 14yrs (wow!).... Have to love a man who understands my obsession with Blackberry (apart from the occasional smart alec comment about ALWAYS being on my phone or doing something related to it, lol)and he's been super supportive.  It's been a colourful journey so far..lots off brightness, mixed in with some grey.....But I look forward to plenty more. After all, we all need colour in our lives!  This set is perfect to add colour to your phones, and of course your daily lives.  It's another water colour type set, and I called this one Rainbow World:)  The battex is a heart for my day of love today.   Check out the walls page for colourful walls!  Also, I've raided my closet and posted some more older sets (on the BW page), so have a look and see what fits:)  As always, Enjoy.

Rainbow World

Rainbow World


Rainbow World Battex

Monday, June 4, 2012

Genie in a bottle

Let's start this week off with some new sets, what do you say?  The first was made for drkapprentice who sent me a few icons and asked if I could do something with them.  The result is Genie.  And knowing me, I couldn't stop there, and wondered how I could take these cool icons and make them a bit more fun, cause it's all about fun, right?  I rubbed  my lil genie in a bottle (no I don't REALLY have one:) and played the song, lol....And came up with the Checkerboard series in Pink and Red! And yes, matching Battex too:)   Also added some walls that may go with the sets.  I hope you like them!  As always, Enjoy



Genie Pink Checkerboard

Genie Pink Checkerboard


Pink Checkerboard Battex

Genie Red Checkerboard

Genie Red Checkerboard



Red Checkerboard Battex

Friday, June 1, 2012

Doodle me this..

Happy June!  I love the month of anniversary and birthday both fall in this month, yay! Lots to celebrate, so why not with another BW set?
However I don't know about this one, lol.  I wanted something different so put this one together.  It's kinda cute..just have to have the right walls:)  Ok  - added new page for walls, starting with some that may or may not go with this set! LOL

Doodle Weather

And of course battex to match:)



Doodle Heart Battex