Thursday, March 19, 2015

Changing weather...

It sure has been a roller coaster of weather lately.  We had terrible winter weather, then really nice warm days, then cold again, then rain, then warm, then cold and rain.....well you get the idea.  I'm just so ready for it to settle down and get warm again!

So here are a few different weather sets!  All for Zooper, except for Keep Calm which is just a converted set from BeWeather...

I've been debating on making BeWeather sets anymore.  The app hasn't been updated in forever, and the weather doesn't always update all the time.  Besides, Zooper icon sets are so much easier, LOL.

Do people still use and want BeWeather?  Let me know...

As always, Enjoy:)

Gladiator Zooper

Keep Calm Zooper

Fun Zooper

Clouded Pink (on request)

Clouded Purple


Clouded Pink

And of course Purple!

1 comment:

  1. I loveeeee all these and thanks Sooooo much for the pink. I still use Beweather only because I do not know how to convert all the cute ones to Zooper Lol....
